Summer Dreaming in California with the Brooklyn-Based Trio

The title alludes to the idea that no mat­ter how many lay­ers you feel you have to add when you are in a dif­fer­ent place, you are still your­self,” explains Span­ish émi­gré and Gold Lake singer Lua Rios, of atmos­pher­ic new track, “We Already Exist.” Rios emi­grat­ed to Brook­lyn with fel­low coun­try­man, gui­tarist Car­los del Amo, in 2009, and the line-up is com­plet­ed by drum­mer Dave Bur­nett. The three are cur­rent­ly prep­ping the band’s sec­ond album, mixed in Seat­tle by Phil Ek, revered pro­duc­er of such big-time indie acts as Fleet Fox­es, The Walk­men and The Shins. Today’s hazy depic­tion of the Gold­en State coast­line was cap­tured over two days by Seat­tle-born, LA-and Port­land-based film­mak­er Chris­t­ian Sorensen Hansen, whose high-def­i­n­i­tion riffs on the Amer­i­can land­scape on show in work for Pull & Bear, Black­ber­ry and Atlantic Records’ sign­ing Kit­ten attract­ed the band to him. The direc­tor set­tled on the euca­lyp­tus forests, sand dunes and dra­mat­ic coast­line of Los Osos, and enlist­ed an anony­mous friend to play the icosi­do­dec­a­he­dron-head­ed pro­tag­o­nist. “We camped over one night, and shot the final scene the sec­ond day right after sun­rise,” recalls Hansen. “It was only six in the morn­ing, but there were already fish­er­men out on the rocks, look­ing equal­ly baf­fled and excit­ed. They con­tin­ued to fish and we con­tin­ued to shoot—blistering cold, naked actor and all.”

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