Gastevent: 28.11.2018 — Workshop mit Katarina Stoltz — „Finding your Uniqueness“

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Find­ing your Unique­ness

Work­shop with Life Coach Kata­ri­na Stoltz


Do you feel stuck in your career? Do you feel like you have tal­ents that you don’t use? Do you feel that life is a strug­gle and that your job exhausts you?

The answer to those ques­tions might be that you have cho­sen a spe­cif­ic life path, because you uncon­scious­ly want­ed to be accept­ed by soci­ety.

Are you curi­ous to find out what might be pre­vent­ing you from using your full poten­tial?

It’s nev­er too late to change what’s not work­ing for you. Do you dare to find your hid­den trea­sures, which will make you feel more alive and ful­filled?

This inter­ac­tive work­shop will chal­lenge and inspire you to look beyond your ratio­nal mind and gaze deep­er into the wis­dom of your heart.

Togeth­er with oth­er amaz­ing humans who are on the same path as you, you will get the oppor­tu­ni­ty to share your dreams and find your unique­ness.

When we are in touch with our unique­ness, we expe­ri­ence flow, excite­ment and enthu­si­asm. Life feels easy and not so forced.

Are you ready to stop push­ing and fight­ing in your life so that you can wel­come more tran­quil­i­ty and flow?

Join this cre­ative work­shop with Life Coach and Train­er Kata­ri­na Stoltz, who will share some per­son­al sto­ries and talk about how you can find your unique­ness. You will also be chal­lenged out of your com­fort zone with inspir­ing exer­cis­es.

This work­shop is for every­one who feels they are ready to start look­ing at their life from a new per­spec­tive.


Find­ing your Unique­ness, Berlin 28.11.18

35, -€
Für Mit­glieder The Lovers e.V.: 15,-€ 

28.November 2018
18.30–19.00 Uhr Arrival
19.00–21.30 Uhr Start
Choriner Str. 20
10435 BERLIN

Enrol­ment (impor­tant!)
Pur­chase tick­et for 35,- € via Eventbrite
Or pur­chase tick­et for 39,-€ with reg­is­tra­tion via email:

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About Kata­ri­na Stoltz
Kata­ri­na Stoltz is a Life Coach and Train­er from Swe­den. She helps women who choose to cre­ate big shifts in their lives – per­son­al or pro­fes­sion­al. She offers one-on-one coach­ing ses­sions at her prac­tice in Berlin or over Skype. She is also a Heil­prak­tik­er in Psy­chother­a­py and a stu­dent of Gestalt­ther­a­py. She lives in Berlin with her Pol­ish hus­band and their 7-year-old daugh­ter.

More infor­ma­tion here:


Feed­back from „happy“-Workshop par­tic­i­pants:

I real­ly enjoyed that you had a good bal­ance of prac­ti­cal exer­cis­es, the­o­ry and per­son­al expe­ri­ence. It was love­ly to see how much you love what you do. I admire your vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty and open­ness.”

I absolute­ly loved your way of being: per­son­al and at the same time pro­fes­sion­al, warm, open and straight to the point.”

You are a very sym­pa­thet­ic Coach. I real­ly enjoyed the way you pre­sent­ed the con­tent and espe­cial­ly your emo­tion­al­i­ty mixed with com­pe­tence.”